Password problems
Previously, all characters that were allowed in i5/OS passwords were also
allowed in Windows passwords. Now, i5/OS allows longer passwords and more
characters than Windows supports. You should use i5/OS passwords containing
only characters and password lengths allowed in Windows passwords if you want
to enroll users. More i5/OS password level security information may be found
in the Planning Password Level Changes section of the iSeries Security Reference
If a password keeps expiring each day after being changed from the integrated
server console, it means that the user forgot that the password must be changed
from i5/OS. Changing the i5/OS password eliminates the problem.
If the i5/OS and Windows server passwords do not match, perform these tasks
to determine why.
- Check to see if the user is configured as a Windows user. See Types of user configurations.
- On the i5/OS command line, type WRKUSRPRF.
- Type in the correct UserID.
- Check to see if the attribute LCLPWDMGT (Local
password management) is set to *NO. If so the user is configured to have an
i5/OS password of *NONE and the i5/OS and Windows passwords will not be the
- Check to see that i5/OS is set to store passwords:
- On the i5/OS command line, type WRKSYSVAL SYSVAL(QRETSVRSEC).
- Enter a 2 in the Option field; press Enter.
- Verify that Retain server security data is
set to 1. If it is not, change it to 1.
- On the integrated Windows server, make sure that the User Administration
Service is running. See Failures enrolling users and groups for related information.
- Check to see the i5/OS password support level:
- On the i5/OS command line, type WRKSYSVAL SYSVAL(QPWDLVL).
- Enter a 5 in the Option field; press Enter.
The password level of i5/OS can be set to allow user profile passwords
from 1 - 10 characters or to allow user profile passwords from 1 - 128 characters.
The i5/OS password level of 0 or 1 supports passwords from 1 - 10 characters
and limits the set of characters. At level 0 or 1, i5/OS will convert passwords
to all lowercase for Windows server. The i5/OS password level of 2 or 3 supports
passwords from 1 - 128 characters and allows more characters including upper
and lower case characters. At level 2 or 3, i5/OS will preserve password case
sensitivity for Windows server. A change to the i5/OS password level takes
effect following an IPL.
- Check the enrollment status of the user. Make sure the user did not already
exist in the Windows environment with a different password before you attempted
to enroll the user (see Enroll a single i5/OS user to the Windows environment using iSeries Navigator). If the user did exist
with a different password, enrollment will have failed. Change the Windows
password to match the i5/OS password; then perform the enrollment procedure
- If the problem still persists, check the technical information databases
at the
IBM iSeries Support Web
. If you cannot find the solution there,
contact your technical support provider.