Create shares on integrated Windows servers

To enable file-level backup and restoration of integrated server files on i5/OS™, create a share over each directory that contains data you want to save. To create shares on integrated servers, do this from the integrated server console:

  1. Open the My Computer icon to open Windows Explorer.
  2. Right-click the drive or volume that you want.
  3. From the pop-up menu, select Sharing.
  4. Click Share this folder. Provide a Share Name (characters in the share name must be in the more restrictive code page 500 character set). The default share name is the same as the last part of the directory name. Share names can be no longer than 12 characters and can include embedded blanks.
  5. You can choose unlimited access or limit the number of users who can access the share at one time. You can also use the Permissions button to set up the level at which you want to share (No Access, Read, Change, or Full Control).
  6. Click on Apply to create the share.