Ensure iSeries NetServer and the integrated Windows server are in same domain

To save integrated server files for file-level backup, you must have iSeries™ NetServer™ in the same domain as the files you want to save.

  1. Check the domain for your integrated server:
    1. In iSeries Navigator, select Integrated Server Administration —> Servers.
    2. Find your integrated server in the list in the right pane; then look in the Domain column to find the domain for that server.
  2. Check the domain for iSeries NetServer:
    1. In iSeries Navigator, select Network —> Servers —> TCP/IP.
    2. Find iSeries NetServer in the list of TCP/IP servers.
    3. Right-click iSeries NetServer, and pick Properties (or double-click iSeries NetServer, then select File, then Properties). The domain name for iSeries NetServer appears under the General information file tab.
  3. If iSeries NetServer is not in the same domain as the integrated server, change the domain for iSeries NetServer:
    1. Click the Next Start button.
    2. In the Domain name field, type the name of the Windows server domain.
    3. Stop and start iSeries NetServer (right-click iSeries NetServer and pick Stop, then Start.)