A Windows server may have multiple physical iSCSI HBA ports. An iSCSI HBA port may carry traffic for iSeries™ storage paths, virtual Ethernet networks, or both. A number of factors influence the nature of the traffic that flows through each iSCSI HBA port on the Windows server.
IP addresses
iSCSI HBA ports may have a SCSI IP address, a LAN IP address, or both. A port with a SCSI IP address is a candidate for carrying storage traffic. A port with a LAN IP address is a candidate for carrying virtual Ethernet traffic.
Boot storage configuration
You select the iSCSI HBA port used to boot Windows with the CTRL-Q utility. After Windows has booted, the selected iSCSI HBA port will continue to provide a connection to the iSeries storage path that corresponds to the system drive.
Automatically allocating iSCSI HBA ports to virtual Ethernet and non-boot storage paths
The Windows environment on iSeries includes programs running in Windows that automatically read the i5/OS™ objects that contain the server configuration information. The iSCSI HBAs for iSeries are configured in the i5/OS objects, but iSCSI HBA ports for the hosted system are not. Instead, the programs automatically allocate iSCSI HBA ports to virtual Ethernet and non-boot storage paths.
Manually allocating a virtual Ethernet adapter to a physical iSCSI HBA port
If you want to override automatic allocation, you can manually allocate an iSCSI HBA port by performing the following steps at the Windows console.