Set configuration defaults with the SETDEFAULTS entry type

You can set default values for certain keywords on the ADDCONFIG and UPDATECONFIG entry types by using SETDEFAULTS. You can set defaults to:

To set the defaults, create an NWSD configuration file that contains the SETDEFAULTS entry type as follows:

 ADDWHEN       = '<ALWAYS|NEVER|<expression>>',  (optional)
 DELETEWHEN    = '<NEVER|ALWAYS|<expression>>',  (optional)
 FILESEARCHPOS = '<AFTER|BEFORE>',               (optional)
 FILESEARCHSTR = '<search_string>',              (optional)
 TARGETDIR     = '<path>',                       (optional)
 TARGETFILE    = '<file_name>'                   (optional)

For a detailed explanation of the SETDEFAULTS keywords, use the following keyword links.