Use the Cluster Service Configuration wizard to install the Windows Cluster service. You supply the wizard with all the initial cluster configuration information.
To install Windows Cluster service, perform the following tasks:
Start the Cluster Service Configuration wizard:
To start the Cluster Service Configuration wizard, complete the following steps:
Configure the Windows Cluster service:
After you have started the Cluster Service Configuration wizard, it prompts you through the installation of the Windows Cluster service. You supply the wizard with all the initial cluster configuration information, which is required in order to create the cluster.
When prompted for the quorum resource, select the drive that you formatted and labeled. Although this drive is typically the E: drive for a new installation, the Disk Manager may have fixed another letter to the drive.
Network connections require special consideration:
Specify the IBM iSeries virtual Ethernet x adapter (typically Local Area Connection 2) as the primary network for the Internal Cluster Communication.