You can install Windows Cluster service on an existing Windows 2000 Advanced Server or a Windows Server 2003 Enterprise Edition server.
Ensure that the server's Integrated Server Support level is synchronized with i5/OS™. See Upgrade the integrated server side of IBM i5/OS Integrated Server Support. This ensures the availability of all server functions required to install the Windows Cluster service.
To install Windows Cluster service on an existing server, perform the following tasks:
After you complete the steps above and before you install the Windows Clustering service on the integrated Windows server side, you must perform some additional configuration steps on the integrated Windows server console. For more information, see Prepare Windows before installing Windows Cluster service.
Create a storage space (quorum resource):
The first step is to create a storage space to use as the quorum resource. To create a storage space, use the Create NWS Storage space (CRTNWSSTG) CL command and specify the special format *NTFSQR.
The name of the network server storage space should match the name of the cluster you are creating. The recommended size is 550 MB or larger. The command prompts for the following cluster information, which you need to provide:
Configure the virtual Ethernet connection port:
The next step is to configure the virtual Ethernet connection port that you want to use for the private cluster communication. See Configure virtual Ethernet networks. The virtual Ethernet port that you use must match the connection port you specify with the quorum resource network server storage space.
Link the quorum resource drive to the network server description:
Link the quorum resource storage space to the network server by using the Add Server Storage Link (ADDNWSSTGL) command, using ACCESS(*SHRUPD), DYNAMIC(*YES) and DRVSEQNBR(*QR).