Remove lines from an existing integrated server file with CLEARCONFIG entry type

You can use the CLEARCONFIG entry type to remove all lines from an existing integrated server file.

Attention: Removing all lines from the integrated server file may result in your being unable to vary on the network server. If you have problems, see NWSD configuration file errors.

To clear an integrated server file, create an NWSD configuration file that contains the CLEARCONFIG entry type as follows.

 LINECOMMENT  = '<"REM "|<comment_string>>',     (optional)
 TARGETDIR    = '<BOOT|path>',                   (optional)
 TARGETFILE   = '<file_name>'                    (required)

For a detailed explanation of the CLEARCONFIG keywords, use the following keyword links. You can also go back to NWSD configuration file format, or on to Change an integrated server file with ADDCONFIG entry type.