iSeries Access for Windows on integrated Windows servers

IBM® iSeries™ Access for Windows allows you to connect a personal computer (PC) to an iSeries server over a local area network (LAN), a twinaxial connection, or a remote link. It features a complete set of integrated functions that enable desktop users to use i5/OS™ resources as easily as their local PC functions. With iSeries Access, users and application programmers can quickly process information, applications, and resources for their entire company.

You can enable Open Database Connectivity (ODBC) to run as a Windows service by installing iSeries Access for Windows on your integrated server. This enables you to write server applications that call the ODBC device driver to access DB2® for iSeries.

To enable ODBC to be started from a Windows service, run the CWBCFG command with the /s option after you install iSeries Access.

As a single user signed-on to Windows, you have full support for all other iSeries Access features.

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