Line description is missing and icon is present
Verify the i5/OS side
Verify that no line description is currently present for the VE port under
the NWSD, then verify the Windows side.
Verify the Windows side
Open the Network and Dialup Connections window and
check the VE icon. When the installation VEU failed to remove the VE port,
reboot the integrated server to clear this condition. If the problem persists,
complete the following steps.
- Use the VEU to manually remove the VE port by using the following command.
qvndveu -a -R -x [port_id]
where [port_id] is either a decimal (0-9) that
corresponds to the port being removed or p, for
point to point (point to point virtual Ethernet).
- After running the command, if the VE port icon is no longer present, the
process has completed. However, if the VEU failed to uninstall and remove
the VE port, continue with the remaining steps.
- Collect the VEU log file (D:\as400nt\qvndveu.log).
- Open the Event Log, locate any entries for the qvndvemp.sys
driver and record them.
- Contact support. Ensure that you have the following at hand.
- Any entries that you recorded for qvndvemp.sys
- The VEU log file that you previously collected