Start and end the rpcbind daemon on i5/OS

Start the rpcbind daemon on i5/OS™ if it is not already running. The rpcbind daemon (RPCBIND) command starts the rpcbind daemon job (QNFSRPCD).

Start the rpcbind daemon job:

To start the rpcbind daemon job, type the following command:

Note: An optional parameter for this command is RTVRPCREG, which specifies whether to retrieve previously recorded registration information when the rpcbind daemon is started. The default for this parameter is *NO. Select *YES if you want the rpcbind daemon to retrieve registration information when it starts. For more information about the parameter and value descriptions for this command, refer to the online help text.

End the rpcbind daemon job:

To end the rpcbind daemon job (QNFSRPCD), type the following command: