Automatic configuration on LANs

Automatic configuration support for LANs allows the iSeries™ server to accept incoming calls from node type 2.1 systems (for example, iSeries servers and personal computers). This can only be supported if a controller description is not varied on that has a matching LAN address of the calling system. The system can be told which parameters to use for the controller descriptions that get automatically created and varied on. If the line has been defined to allow automatic creation of controller descriptions, then the system creates and varies on an APPC controller description that specifies APPN(*YES). This support allows for automatic creation, automatic vary on, automatic vary off, and deletion of these APPC controller descriptions, and their attached device descriptions.

  1. An operator may vary on, vary off, or delete automatically created controller descriptions.
  2. Only APPC controller descriptions automatically configure on a LAN.

If you are using model controller descriptions see the page, Communication considerations using model controllers.

For more information, see Controlling automatic configuration.