When a line or controller fails, and the application programs are notified, often you must end those jobs that were running over the line and controller. Those jobs must be started again after the communications resource is recovered. Jobs ending (particularly abnormal job ending) should be considered from a performance perspective as an extremely complex transaction. Use the following links to help you recover from an abnormal job ending.
The CHGSYSJOB command allows you to change the run priority of a system job. The following are system jobs of interest for communications recovery:
In general, these system jobs should be allowed to run at their default, system-provided priority. However, if one of these jobs begins using large amounts of CPU, and is affecting other work on the system, it is possible to lower its priority. Note that this may result in queued-up work for that job.
The device wait (DEVWAIT) timeout is used to limit the amount of time a subsystem waits for workstation input/output to complete.