APPC controller recovery summary

The action the system takes when advanced program-to-program communications (APPC) controller descriptions go into recovery depends on the setting of many parameters. The following tables can help you understand and select the appropriate configuration parameters to best optimize system behavior when APPC controllers representing personal computer clients go into error recovery.

Table 1. When does the iSeries attempt to connect the remote system?
MINSWTSTS INLCNN APPN CTLOWN Power PC® Off (recovery) Manual Vary On
*VRYONPND *DIAL *YES *SYS Dial is attempted Dial is attempted
*VRYONPND *DIAL *YES *USER Dial not attempted Dial is attempted
*VRYONPND *DIAL *NO *SYS Configuration not allowed
N/A *DIAL *NO *USER Dial not attempted Dial is attempted
*VRYONPND *ANS *YES *SYS Dial not attempted Dial not attempted
*VRYONPND *ANS *YES *USER Dial not attempted Dial not attempted
*VRYONPND *ANS *NO *SYS Configuration not allowed
N/A *ANS *NO *USER Dial not attempted Dial not attempted
Table 2. MINSWTSTS(*VRYON) affects on iSeries attempts to connect to the remote system
APPN INLCNN CTLOWN SWTDSC Power PC Off (recovery) Manual Vary On
*YES *DIAL *SYS *YES Configuration not allowed
*YES *DIAL *SYS *NO Dial is attempted Dial is attempted
*YES *DIAL *USER *YES Configuration not allowed
*YES *DIAL *USER *NO Dial is attempted Dial is attempted
In all cases when a dial is attempted, when the remote system is using a PC with Client Access for Windows® or iSeries™ Access for Windows installed, that dial attempt fails with the following message:
CPA57EF to QSYSOPR (Controller contact not successful)

For related information, see: