Configure APPC with VTAM

You need to coordinate the following Virtual Telecommunications Access Method (VTAM®) and advanced program-to-program communication (APPC) configuration objects when configuring APPC with VTAM.

  1. The controller description is equivalent to the IBM® Network Control Program and Virtual Telecommunications Access Method (NCP/VTAM) PU macros. You can find the information in a controller description in the Extended Services® Communication Manager Partner LU profile.
  2. The device description is equivalent to the NCP/VTAM logical unit (LU) macro. You can find the information of a device description in Extended Services Communications Manager Partner LU and LU profiles.
  3. The mode description is equivalent to the NCP/VTAM mode tables. You can find the information in a mode description in the Extended Services Communications Manager Transmission Service Mode profile and Initial Session Limits profile.