Example: Using condensed XPCML to create a ProgramCallDocument object

Some ProgramCallDocument constructors accept a condensedXPCML source file and corresponding schema (.xsd file). This enables you to use condensed XPCML to create a ProgramCallDocument object.

The previously mentioned constructors require that you provide the following parameters:

Using these constructors loads and parses a condensed XPCML file. Additionally, the process logs any parse errors. After completing the parse, the constructor creates a ProgramCallDocument object.

The following Java™ code example uses condensed XPCML to create a ProgramCallDocument object. The example code assumes the following

The code then uses the ProgramCallDocument object to run program qusrjobi_jobi0100.

     AS400 system = new AS400();
     // Create a ProgramCallDocument and parse the file.
     ProgramCallDocument xpcmlDoc = 
       new ProgramCallDocument(system,
                               new FileInputStream("myXSD.xsd"));
     boolean rc = xpcmlDoc.callProgram("qusrjobi_jobi0100");
Note: The XPCML code that you use to call the program (after creating the ProgramCallDocument object) is the same as the code you would use with PCML.