Examples: Resource list

The following examples show various ways of working with resource lists:

Example: Getting and printing the contents of a ResourceList

One example of a concrete subclass of ResourceList is com.ibm.as400.resource.RJobList, which represents a list of iSeries™ jobs. RJobList supports many selection IDs and sort IDs, each of which can be used to filter or sort the list.This example prints the contents of an RJobList:

   // Create an RJobList object to represent a list of jobs.
   AS400 system = new AS400("MYSYSTEM", "MYUSERID", "MYPASSWORD");
   RJobList jobList = new RJobList(system);

   // Filter the list to include only interactive jobs.
   jobList.setSelectionValue(RJobList.JOB_TYPE, RJob.JOB_TYPE_INTERACTIVE);

   // Sort the list by user name, then job name.
   Object[] sortValue = new Object[] { RJob.USER_NAME, RJob.JOB_NAME };

   // Open the list and wait for it to complete.

   // Read and print the contents of the list.
   long length = jobList.getListLength();
   for(long i = 0; i < length; ++i)

   // Close the list.

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