Example: Using JobList to get a list of jobs

Note: Read the Code example disclaimer for important legal information.
// This program is an example of the "job" classes in the
// IBM Toolbox for Java.  It gets a list of jobs on the server
// and outputs the job's status followed by job identifier.
// Command syntax:
//    listJobs system userID password
// (UserID and password are optional)

import java.io.*;
import java.util.*;
import com.ibm.as400.access.*;

public class listJobs extends Object
   public static void main(String[] parameters)
      listJobs me = new listJobs();


   void Main(String[] parameters)

      // If a system was not specified, display help text and exit.
      if (parameters.length == 0)

      // Set up AS400 object parms.  The first is the system name and must
      // be specified by the user.  The second and third are optional.  They
      // are the userid and password.  Convert the userid and password
      // to uppercase before setting them on the AS400 object.
      String userID   = null;
      String password = null;

      if (parameters.length > 1)
         userID = parameters[1].toUpperCase();

      if (parameters.length >= 2)
         password = parameters[2].toUpperCase();

      System.out.println(" ");


         // Create an AS400 object using the system name specified by the user.
         AS400 as400 = new AS400(parameters[0]);

         // If a userid and/or password was specified, set them on the
         // AS400 object.
         if (userID != null)

         if (password != null)

         // Create a job list object.  Input parm is the AS400 we want job
         // information from.
         JobList jobList = new JobList(as400);

         // Get a list of jobs running on the server.
         Enumeration listOfJobs = jobList.getJobs();

         // For each job in the list print information about the job.
         while (listOfJobs.hasMoreElements())
            printJobInfo((Job) listOfJobs.nextElement(), as400);

      catch (Exception e)
         System.out.println("Unexpected error");

   void printJobInfo(Job job, AS400 as400)

      // Create the various converters we need
      AS400Bin4 bin4Converter   = new AS400Bin4( );
      AS400Text text26Converter = new AS400Text(26, as400);
      AS400Text text16Converter = new AS400Text(16, as400);
      AS400Text text10Converter = new AS400Text(10, as400);
      AS400Text text8Converter  = new AS400Text(8,  as400);
      AS400Text text6Converter  = new AS400Text(6,  as400);
      AS400Text text4Converter  = new AS400Text(4,  as400);

      // We have the job name/number/etc. from the list request.  Now
      // make a server API call to get the status of the job.
         // Create a program call object
         ProgramCall pgm = new ProgramCall(as400);

         // The server program we call has five parameters
         ProgramParameter[] parmlist = new ProgramParameter[5];

         // The first parm is a byte array that holds the output
         // data.  We will allocate a 1k buffer for output data.
         parmlist[0] = new ProgramParameter( 1024 );

         // The second parm is the size of our output data buffer (1K).
         Integer iStatusLength = new Integer( 1024 );
         byte[]  statusLength = bin4Converter.toBytes( iStatusLength );
         parmlist[1] = new ProgramParameter( statusLength );

         // The third parm is the name of the format of the data.
         // We will use format JOBI0200 because it has job status.
         byte[] statusFormat = text8Converter.toBytes("JOBI0200");
         parmlist[2] = new ProgramParameter( statusFormat );

         // The fourth parm is the job name is format "name user number".
         // Name must be 10 characters, user must be 10 characters and
         // number must be 6 characters.  We will use a text converter
         // to do the conversion and padding.
         byte[] jobName = text26Converter.toBytes(job.getName());

         int    i       = text10Converter.toBytes(job.getUser(),

                i       = text6Converter.toBytes(job.getNumber(),

         parmlist[3] = new ProgramParameter( jobName );

         // The last paramter is job identifier.  We will leave this blank.
         byte[] jobID = text16Converter.toBytes("                ");
         parmlist[4] = new ProgramParameter( jobID );

         // Run the program.
         if (pgm.run( "/QSYS.LIB/QUSRJOBI.PGM", parmlist )==false)
            // if the program failed display the error message.
            AS400Message[] msgList = pgm.getMessageList();
            // else the program worked.  Output the status followed by
            // the jobName.user.jobID
            byte[] as400Data = parmlist[0].getOutputData();
            System.out.print("  " + text4Converter.toObject(as400Data, 107) + "  ");

            System.out.println(job.getName().trim() + "." +
                               job.getUser().trim() + "." +
                               job.getNumber() + "   ");

      catch (Exception e)


      // Display help text when parameters are incorrect.
   void showHelp()
         System.out.println("Parameters are not correct.  Command syntax is:");
         System.out.println("   listJobs System UserID Password");
         System.out.println("   System   = server to connect to");
         System.out.println("   UserID   = valid userID on that system (optional)");
         System.out.println("   Password = password for the UserID (optional)");
         System.out.println("For example:");
         System.out.println("   listJobs MYAS400 JavaUser pwd1");