
The JPing class is a command line utility that allows you to query your servers to see which services are running and which ports are in service. To query your servers from within a Java™ application, use the AS400JPing class.

See the JPing javadoc for more information about using JPing from within your Java application.

Call JPing from the command line by using the following syntax:

     java utilities.JPing System [options]



You can use one or more of the following options. For options that have abbreviations, the abbreviation is listed in parenthesis.

-help (-h or -?)
Displays the help text.
-service i5/OS_Service (-s i5/OS_Service)
Specifies one specific service to ping. The default action is to ping all services. You can use this option to specify one of the following services: as-file, as-netprt, as-rmtcmd, as-dtaq, as-database, as-ddm, as-central, and as-signon.
Specifies whether or not to ping the ssl ports. The default action is not to ping the ssl ports.
-timeout (-t)
Specifies the timeout period in milliseconds. The default setting is 20000, or 20 seconds.

Example: Using JPing from the command line

For example, use the following command to ping the as-dtaq service, including ssl ports, with a timeout of 5 seconds:

     java utilities.JPing myServer -s as-dtaq -ssl -t 5000