The FormInput class allows you to:
- Get and set the name of an input element
- Get and set the size of an input element
- Get and set the initial value of an input element
The FormInput class is extended by the classes in the following list.
These classes provide a way to create specific types of form input elements
and allow you to get and set various attributes or retrieve the HTML tag
for the input element:
- ButtonFormInput: Represents
a button element for an HTML form
- FileFormInput: Represents a file
input type, for an HTML form
- HiddenFormInput: Represents
a hidden input type for an HTML form
- ImageFormInput: Represents
an image input type for an HTML form.
- ResetFormInput: Represents
a reset button input for an HTML form
- SubmitFormInput: Represents
a submit button input for an HTML form
- TextFormInput: Represents a
single line of text input for an HTML form where you define the maximum number
of characters in a line. For a password input type, you use PasswordFormInput,
which extends TextFormInput and represents a password input type for an HTML
- ToggleFormInput: Represents a toggle input type for
an HTML form. The user can set or get the text label and specify whether the
toggle should be checked or selected. The toggle input type can be one of
- RadioFormInput: Represents
a radio button input type for an HTML form. Radio buttons may be placed in
groups with the RadioFormInputGroup class; this creates
a group of radio buttons where the user selects only one of the choices presented.
- CheckboxFormInput: Represents
a checkbox input type for an HTML form where the user may select more than
one from the choices presented, and where the checkbox is initialized as either
checked or unchecked.