Consider this information before you change the primary language
on your server or logical partition.
Before you begin to change the primary language, read the topic, Globalization and software installation.
Obtain either of the following media:
- A complete set of the primary language media, which includes the IBM® i5/OS™ (5722-SS1). The media labels include
the characters B29xx_01, for example, where 29xx is the language feature code
for the primary language that you want to install. Use either the steps in
this topic collection (Changing the primary language) or, if you want
to change your primary language as part of a release upgrade, then refer to Upgrading or replacing software using automatic installation or Upgrading or replacing software using manual installation.
- Secondary language media. You need to ensure that the media label includes
the characters N29xx and the name of the language. The character N indicates
that the media contains only language objects, and 29xx is the language feature
code of the secondary language. You will also need the B29xx_01 media from
you system's primary language media set. Follow the instructions for using
secondary language media in Changing the primary language.
The release
and modification of your system must be the same
as the release and
modification of your secondary language media.
If you have not already done so, complete the tasks in Preparing to install the i5/OS release.