Use this procedure to recover from a workstation failure.
- Make sure all workstations and devices (such as displays or printers)
are turned on.
- If the Operations Console is being used as the console, ensure
that the cable from the PC to the system is attached correctly. Make sure
that the PC has been correctly configured.
- Make sure that all workstation cables are attached
correctly, and that all workstations are set to the correct address. For information
about the workstation address, see the following information:
- Ensure the following conditions exists:
- Recently attached workstations have been correctly configured to the system.
- Workstation addresses are unique (if applicable).
- Workstations are terminated (if applicable).
- Check all workstation printers for mechanical problems such as
paper jams, ribbon failure, and so on.
- Perform the following steps:
- Vary off the failing workstation controller if any other workstation is
operational, and then vary it on again. Follow these steps to vary on or off
the workstation controller:
- Type WRKCFGSTS *CTL on any command line. The Work with Configuration
Status display appears.
- Specify 1 (Vary-on) or 2 (Vary-off) in the opt column
next to your workstation controller, and press Enter.
- End all active jobs before varying off the workstation controller using
the Work with Active Jobs (WRKACTJOB) command.
- Try the operation again. If you are still having the same problem,
contact your hardware service provider.