JSSE providers

IBM® JSSE includes a native iSeries™ JSSE provider, and two pure Java™ JSSE providers. The provider that you choose to use depends on the needs of your application.

All three providers adhere to the JSSE interface specification. They can communicate with each other and with any other SSL or TLS implementation, even non-Java implementations.

Pure Java JSSE provider

The pure Java JSSE provider offers the following features:

IBMJSSE is the provider name for the pure Java implementation. You need to pass this provider name, using the proper case, to the java.security.Security.getProvider() method or the various getInstance() methods for several of the JSSE classes.

Pure Java JSSE FIPS 140-2 provider

The pure Java JSSE FIPS 140-2 provider offers the following features:

Note: The pure Java JSSE FIPS 140-2 provider does not allow components from any other implementation to be plugged in to its implementation.

IBMJSSEFIPS is the provider name for the pure Java JSSE FIPS 140-2 implementation. You need to pass this provider name, using the proper case, to the java.security.Securirty.getProvider() method or the various getInstance() methods for several of the JSSE classes.

Native iSeries JSSE provider

The native iSeries JSSE provider offers the following features:

IbmISeriesSslProvider is the name for the native iSeries implementation. You need to pass this provider name, using the proper case, to the java.security.Security.getProvider() method or the various getInstance() methods for several of the JSSE classes.

Changing the default JSSE provider

You can change the default JSSE provider by making the appropriate changes to your security properties. For more information, see the following topic:

After changing the JSSE provider, ensure that your system properties specify the proper configuration for digital certificate information (keystore) required by the new provider. For more information, see the following topic: