Levels of NAWT support

The version of the Java™ 2 Software Development Kit (J2SDK), Standard Edition that you use affects the available choices for Native Abstract Windowing Toolkit (NAWT) support. Before you install NAWT, you need to understand which type of support meets your requirements. Use this information to help you assess your graphical requirements and select the version of J2SDK that you need to run. Use this information to help you assess your graphical requirements and select the version of J2SDK that you need to run.

NAWT and J2SDK, version 1.3

For J2SDK version 1.3, NAWT supports only graphical Java applications that do not require direct user interaction. This level of support is appropriate for Java applications, servlets, and graphics packages that generate image data (encoded as JPEGs, GIFs, and so on) on your iSeries™ servers.

NAWT and J2SDK, version 1.4 and above

For J2SDK version 1.4 and subsequent versions, NAWT supports all Java Abstract Windowing Toolkit (AWT) functionality, including interactive graphical user interfaces (GUIs) and the Java headless AWT environment.

For more information about the NAWT support available when running J2SDK, version 1.4 and above, see the following: