Example: DatabaseMetaData interface for IBM Developer Kit for Java - Return a list of tables

This example shows how to return a list of tables.

Note: By using the code examples, you agree to the terms of the Code license and disclaimer information.
// Connect to iSeries server.
Connection c = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:db2:mySystem");
// Get the database meta data from the connection.
DatabaseMetaData dbMeta = c.getMetaData();
// Get a list of tables matching this criteria.           
String catalog = "myCatalog";
String schema = "mySchema";
String table  = "myTable%"; // % indicates search pattern
String types[] = {"TABLE", "VIEW", "SYSTEM TABLE"}:
ResultSet rs = dbMeta.getTables(catalog, schema, table, types);
// ... iterate through the ResultSet to get the values.
// Close the connection.

For more information, see DatabaseMetaData interface for IBM® Developer Kit for Java™.

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