Software and hardware requirements for NetWare Enhanced Integration
NetWare Enhanced Integration does not require any other products as prerequisites. However, you
must have an active TCP/IP configuration on iSeries™ to run NetWare Enhanced Integration.
Software requirements:
To install NetWare Enhanced Integration on your iSeries, you need this software:
- OS/400 V3R7 or later. If your iSeries is not yet running a supported version
of Operating System/400, you can find information about upgrading to a newer release in
the book Software Installation
- NetWare Enhanced Integration (option 25 of i5/OS).
This program is included with i5/OS™. It provides integration services through a NetWare Loadable Module (IBM®)
that you must install on each NetWare server in your network. An NLM is available
for NetWare 5.1 and NetWare 6 servers. You need one license for each NetWare server
that runs the NLM.
NetWare Enhanced Integration is available in the same language versions
as OS/400. Your installation diskette comes in the national language version
that you order.
- TCP/IP on iSeries.
- A CD-ROM version of NetWare in the national language appropriate
for your country or region. You can use any of these Novell NetWare versions:
- NetWare 5.1 Server
- NetWare 6 Server
You need a NetWare license for every PC server that has NetWare installed.
You can migrate an existing license to a new server or purchase a new license
from Novell.
Hardware requirements:
To install NetWare Enhanced Integration, you need this hardware:
- Any Version 3 Release 7 or later iSeries.
- To install NetWare on a PC with a TCP/IP connection to an iSeries, you can use one of these communication adapters:
- Token-ring
- Ethernet
- X.25
- Frame Relay
- Distributed data interface (DDI)
- Asynchronous
- Point-to-point
- Wireless