Install Novell NetWare patches on servers

You need to install the latest Novell NetWare patches on each server in the NDS tree. Novell provides these patches on its home page on the World Wide Web.

Installing NetWare patches:

To get Novell NetWare patches from the Web, do this:

  1. Go to one of these Web addresses:
  2. Select Minimum Patch List. A page with lists of Novell patches should appear.
  3. Download the appropriate patches for your environment and apply them to your NetWare servers.

Installing NetWare-J Patches:

To get NetWare-J patches from the Web, do this:

  1. Go to this Web address: Novell-J patch site Link outside the Information Center.
  2. Select the product from the list of Novell patches that appears.
  3. Download the patches and apply them to your NetWare servers.

When you are done installing the NetWare patches, you are ready to install the NetWare Enhanced Integration NLM.