Increase NetWare volume size

NetWare Enhanced Integration enables you to increase the size of NetWare volumes from your iSeries™. You can increase volume size by specifying the new size and the segment from which you want the additional size to be used.

To increase volume size, do this:

  1. On the iSeries command line, type WRKNTWVOL and press F4.
  2. Specify the NetWare server name.
  3. Press F10 to show segments that are available on the NetWare server. Note the device number and size of free space on the *FREE entries.

    Segments that appear as *FREE have not been assigned to a volume. You can assign this free space to any other volume on any other disk device under these conditions:

  4. Type 2 (change) by the volume that you want to increase and press Enter.
  5. Specify a device number that has a *FREE segment.
  6. In the Size field, specify the new total size that you want the volume to be (not exceeding the available free space). For example, if you have a volume that is currently 50MB and you want to increase it by 30MB, specify 80MB for the size. iSeries uses 30MB from the device number that you specify.
  7. Press Enter, and iSeries increases the size of the volume.
Changes to a segment or device number are only recognized if you increase the size. To decrease volume size, you must first delete the volume and then re-create it with the new size.