Set up your NetWare servers for user enrollment

Before you can enroll iSeries users on your NetWare servers, you need to set up those NetWare servers for user enrollment. To set up your servers for user enrollment, do this:

  1. Ensure that you installed the NetWare Enhanced Integration NLM on each NetWare server during the installation process.
  2. Create a QNETWARE user profile on each NDS tree on which you want to enroll iSeries users. iSeries uses the QNETWARE user profile to log on to the server and enroll users. The QNETWARE user profile must have enough authority to create, change, and delete user and group objects. This could include:

    Generally, you should use the same password for QNETWARE on each server. If the password is different, you must create a QNETWARE authentication entry for each NetWare tree or server you enroll to, as described in Set up iSeries for user enrollment.

    To set up your NetWare servers for user enrollment, use the NetWare SYSCON, NETADMIN, or NWADMIN utility to create the QNETWARE user object and to define its security. Refer to your NetWare documentation for information about using these utilities.