CL command verb abbreviations

The majority of all CL commands use one of the common command verbs. Another name for the three-letter command prefix is the command 'verb'.

Verb Abbreviation Meaning
ADD add
CHG change
CRT create
DLT delete
DSP display
END end
RMV remove
STR start
WRK work with

The following is a list of all the abbreviations that are used as command verbs:

Verb Abbreviation Meaning
ADD add
ALC allocate
ALM alarm
ANS answer
ANZ analyze
APY apply
ASK ask
BLD build
CFG configure
CHG change
CHK check
CLO close
CLR clear
CMP compare
CNL cancel
CPH cipher
CPR compress
CPY copy
CRT create
CVT convert
DCP decompress
DLC deallocate
DLT delete
DLY delay
DMP dump
DSC disconnect
DSP display
DUP duplicate
EDT edit
EJT eject
EML emulate
ENC encipher
END end
EXP export
EXT extract
FIL file
FMT format
FND find
GEN generate
GRT grant
HLD hold
IMP import
INS install
INZ initialize
LNK link
LOD load
MGR migrate
MON monitor
MOV move
MRG merge
OPN open
ORD order
OVR override
PAG paginate
PKG package
POS position
PRM promote
PRT print
PWR power
QRY query
RCL reclaim
RCV receive
RGZ reorganize
RLS release
RMV remove
RNM rename
RPL replace
RQS request
RRT reroute
RSM resume
RST restore
RTV retrieve
RUN run
RVK revoke
SAV save
SBM submit
SET set
SLT select
SND send
STR start
TFR transfer
TRC trace
UPD update
VFY verify
VRY vary
WRK work with