Cryptographic Support for AS/400 Commands
to CL command finder
Add Cross-Domain Key (ADDCRSDMNK) command
Change Cross-Domain Key (CHGCRSDMNK) command
Change Master Key (CHGMSTK) command
Cipher Data (CPHDTA) command
Encipher From Master Key (ENCFRMMSTK) command
Encipher To Master Key (ENCTOMSTK) command
Encrypt Cipher Key (ENCCPHK) command
Generate Cipher Key (GENCPHK) command
Generate Cross-domain Keys (GENCRSDMNK) command
Generate Message Authentication Code (GENMAC) command
Generate Personal Identification Number (GENPIN) command
Remove Cross-Domain Key (RMVCRSDMNK) command
Set Master Key (SETMSTK) command
Translate Personal Identification Numbe (TRNPIN) command
Verify Master Key (VFYMSTK) command
Verify Personal Identification Numbe (VFYPIN) command