Language identifier (QLANGID) system value

The language identifier (QLANGID) is used to specify the default language identifier for the server.

This value also determines the sort sequence table to be used for sorting character data when the QSRTSEQ system value is set to *LANGIDSHR or *LANGIDUNQ.

Note: This value is not used to determine the sort sequence table when QSRTSEQ is set either to *HEX or to a user-specified table.

You can change this system value to reflect the default language identifier for your country or location.

There is no validity checking between the QLANGID system value and the QCCSID system value.

Related concepts
Country or region identifier (QCNTRYID) system value
Sort sequence (QSRTSEQ) system value
Coded character set identifier (QCCSID) system value
Database file attributes
Job attributes
Information in message CPX8416
Code globalized applications with high-level languages
Session manager
ILE RPG sort sequence
DB2 and SQL sort sequence
iSeries Access sort sequence