How a language is displayed for i5/OS™ functions

If you want information presented in a language other than the primary language of the server, you must first have a secondary language loaded. When a secondary language is loaded, you can display information in that language in any of three ways.

Method 1: Place the language you want at the top of your library list

One way to display information in a secondary language is to change the system part of your library list so the library of the national language you want is positioned before all other libraries in the system library list that contain national language information.

For example, to present the French version of textual data, you can enter the following command to place French information at the top of the library list:


To remove a library from the library list enter:

Note: The authority included with the CHGSYSLIBL command does not allow all users to run the command. As included, you must have *ALLOBJ and *SECADM special authority to use the Change System Library List (CHGSYSLIBL) command.

Method 2: Create a subsystem for the language you want

A second way to present information in a different language is to follow these steps:

  1. Create a subsystem for the secondary language.
  2. Define the subsystem system part of the library list entry with the national language version library for the secondary language.

All jobs running in the subsystem use textual data from the secondary language. All jobs that you submit as batch jobs have the national language version library as the first library on the system part of the library list.

Method 3: Change the library list for your job so that the national language version library for the secondary language is the first library on the system part of the library list

A third way to present information in a different language is to change the library list for your job so that the national language version library for the secondary language is the first library on the system part of the library list. All jobs running in the subsystem use textual data from the secondary language. All jobs that you submit as batch jobs have the national language version library as the first library on the system part of the library list.

How a language of your choice is displayed for licensed programs

Libraries for other licensed programs are either added automatically, or must be added by the user, when needed. If you want to add libraries for other licensed programs to your library list, use the CHGLIBL command.

Related concepts
Configure secondary languages
Related reference
Change System Library List (CHGSYSLIBL) command
Change Library List (CHGLIBL) command