A block special file (*BLKSF) represents a user-defined file system (UDFS) when the entire UDFS and all of the objects within it need to be manipulated.
/dev/QASPXX/udfs_name.udfswhere XX is the ASP number where you store the UDFS, and udfs_name is the unique name of the UDFS within that ASP. Note that the UDFS name must end with the .udfs extension.
/dev/asp_name/udfs_name.udfswhere asp_name is the name of independent ASP where you store the UDFS and udfs_name is the unique name of the UDFS within that independent ASP. Note that the UDFS name must end with the .udfs extension.
Path names for objects within a UDFS are relative to the directory over which you mount a UDFS. For example, if you mount the UDFS /dev/qasp01/wysocki.udfs over /home/dennis, then the path names for all objects within the UDFS will begin with /home/dennis.
Additional path name rules: