The REF keyword is important in this example. This file has one record format. The names of all fields in the record format are specified. This example uses fields in a reference file (REF keyword) and uses a keyed-sequence access path.
The following physical file (called CUSMSTP for customer master physical file) describes the fields physically present in the database.
|...+....1....+....2....+....3....+....4....+....5....+....6....+....7....+....8 00010A* 00020A* SAMPLE PHYSICAL FILE(CUSMSTP) 00030A* 00040A (1) REF(MLGREFP) 00050A (2) R CUSMST TEXT('Customer Master Record') 00060A ACTNUM R (3) 00070A NAME R (3) 00080A ADDR R (3) 00090A CITY R (3) 00100A STATE R (3) 00110A ZIP R (3) 00120A (4) SEARCH 10 0 00130A (4) CRDLMT 8 2 00140A (5) K ACTNUM A