DDS keywords and parameters

DDS keywords and parameters typically consist of combinations of standard abbreviations.

All the keywords and parameters used in DDS are listed in alphabetical order as follows:

Abbreviation Meaning
A after
AB allow blanks
ABS absolute
ACC access
ACCEL accelerator
ALARM alarm
ALT alternative
ALW allow
ARA area
ATR attributes
AUTO automatic
AVAIL available
B before
BDY boundary
BL blinking field
BLANKS blanks
BLINK blinking cursor
BLK blank
BOX box
BTN button
CA command attention key
CCS coded character set
CDE code
CF command function key
CHC choice
CHG change
CHK check
CHR character
CLR clear
CLRL clear line
CLS class
CMD command
CMP comparison
CMT commit
CNL cancel
CNT continued
CNV conversion
COL column
COMP comparison
CON constant
CONCAT concatenate
CS column separator
CSR cursor
CTL control
DAT date
DEC decimal
DEV device
DFN defined
DFR defer
DFT default
DLT delete
DOC document
DSP display
DTA data
DUP duplicate
DWN down
DYN dynamic
EDT edit
END end
ENT entry
EOS end of session
EQ equal
ER end of record (same as end of field)
ERR error
EXCLD excluded
FAIL fail
FCFO first-changed first-out
FE field exit
FIFO first-in first-out
FIX fixed
FLD field
FLT floating point
FMT format
FNT font
FRC force
FULL full
GDF graphic data file
GE greater than or equal to
GPH graphics
GRD grid
GRP group
GT greater than
HDG heading
HI high intensity
HLP help
ID identifier
IDX index
IGC double-byte character set (DBCS)
IND indicator
INP input
INZ initialize
J join
LC lowercase
LCK lock
LE less than or equal to
LEN length
LIFO last in first out
LIN line
LOC location
LT less than
LVL level
MAP map
MDT modified data tag
ME mandatory enter
MF mandatory fill
MGT management
MLT multiple
MNU menu
MOU mouse
MSG message
MSK mask
M10 IBM® Modulus 10
M10F IBM Modulus 10
M11 IBM Modulus 11
M11F IBM Modulus 11
NBR number
ND nondisplay
NE not equal to
NEG negative
NG not greater than
NL not less than
NULL null
NXT next
OF off
OID operator identification
OUT output
OVR override
P physical
PAG page
PC position cursor
PCN precision
PFILE physical file
PGM program
PNL panel
POS position
PR protect
PRG progression
PRP prepare
PRT print or printer
PSH push
PTH path
Q queue
QLTY quality
RA record advance
RAB right-justify with blank fill
RAZ right-justify with zero fill
RB right-justify with blank fill
RCD record
RCV receive
RECID record identification
REF reference
Start of changeRELEnd of change Start of changerelativeEnd of change
RET retain
REV reverse
RI reverse image
RL right to left
RLTB right to left, top to bottom
RMV remove
RNA record not active
ROL roll
RQS request
RRN relative record number
RSP response
RST restore
RTN return
RTT rotate
RZ right-justify with zero fill
SCH search
SCROLL scroll
SEL select
SEG segment
SEP separator
SEQ sequence
SFL subfile
SHELF shelf
SIZ size
SKIPA skip after
SKIPB skip before
SLNO starting line number
SLT select
SNG single
SP select by light pen
SPACEA space after
SPACEB space before
SST substring
STS status
SW switch
SYN sync
SYS system
TIM time
TITLE title
TNS transaction
TRNRND turn around
TRNTBL translation table
TXT text
TYP type
UL underline
UNAVAIL unavailable
USR user
VAL values
VAR variable
VLD valid
VN validate name
VNE validate name extended
WDW window
WRD word
WRT write