The definition of message SQL5048N states that the release level of the database client is not supported by the release level of the database server. However, the message can sometimes be misleading.
There are several common causes for this problem:
Use the Client Configuration Assistant (CCA) to avoid getting SQL5048N.
Another potential cause for the problem concerns the collection NULLID. DB2 Universal Database™ for Linux®, UNIX® and Windows®, IBM® DB2® Universal Driver for SQLJ and JDBC, and other application requesters use the collection NULLID for building their needed SQL packages. The collection and packages are created upon first connection. If the user profile does not have sufficient authority to create the collection, another profile with higher authority should initially connect to get these objects created.
If you believe there is another cause for the error, see the Authorized Problem Analysis Report Web site. Enter APAR II12722 in the Search field.