There are several concepts that pertain specifically to the TCP/IP
communications support used by DRDA® and DDM.
Establish a DRDA or DDM connection over TCP/IP
To initiate a DDM server job that uses TCP/IP communications support,
the DRDA Application
Requester or DDM source system will connect to the well-known port number,
446 or 447. The DDM server also listens on port 448, but only for use with
connections, which are not supported by DB2 Universal Database™ for iSeries™ application
requesters or DDM clients.
DRDA and DDM listener program
The DDM listener program runs in a batch job. There is a one-to-many relationship between it and the actual server jobs; there is one listener and potentially many DDM server jobs. The server jobs are normally prestart jobs. The listener job runs in the QSYSWRK subsystem.