RW_ff_m—Application Requester Driver Control Block Trace Point

This trace point displays the contents of the Application Requester Driver (ARD) control blocks for the different types of ARD calls that can be made. It displays three different types of control blocks: input formats, output formats, and SQLCAs.

The type of call and type of control block being displayed is encoded in the trace point ID. The form of the ID is RW_ff_m, where ff is the call-type ID, and m is the control block type code. The call-type IDs (ff) and control block type codes (m) are as follows:

   ff   Call Type                                     m  Ctl Blk Type
   --   ----------------------                        -  ------------
   CN   Connect                                       I  Input Format
   DI   Disconnect                                    O  Output Format
   BB   Begin bind                                    C  SQLCA
   BS   Bind Statement
   EB   End bind
   PS   Prepare Statement
   PD   Prepare and Describe Statement
   XD   Execute Bound Statement with Data
   XB   Execute Bound Statement without Data
   XP   Execute Prepared Statement
   XI   Execute Immediate
   OC   Open Cursor
   FC   Fetch from Cursor
   CC   Close Cursor
   DS   Describe a Statement
   DT   Describe an Object