Be aware of these restrictions when accessing remote
VSAM data sets.
- Records can be read or added by relative record number only when the remote
VSAM data set is an RRDS. Random processing by relative record number can
be used only when processing a VSAM RRDS.
- A request to delete a record in an ESDS does not work because ESDS is
never delete-capable.
- The processing method cannot use the update or output specification in
column 15 when the remote VSAM data set is a VSAM path. Instead, all add,
update, or delete record requests must be made by using the base data set of the
VSAM path. However, if the base data set of the VSAM path is a VSAM ESDS,
the DELETE does not work.
- The READP operation code cannot be used to read the previous record in
a VSAM path.
- Because VSAM KSDS does not allow duplicate keys, a request to add a record
that duplicates the key of an existing record in a KSDS does not work.
- When accessing a KSDS, an update request that changes the key value of
the record does not work.
- For ILE RPG programming language, *HIVAL can be used to obtain the last
record of a remote KSDS. However, *HIVAL does not work when accessing a VSAM