Arrange key fields in ascending or descending sequence

Key fields can be arranged in either ascending or descending sequence.

Consider the following records.

Record Empnbr Clsnbr Clsnam Cpdate
1 56218 412 Welding I 032188
2 41322 412 Welding I 011388
3 64002 412 Welding I 011388
4 23318 412 Welding I 032188
5 41321 412 Welding I 051888
6 62213 412 Welding I 032188
If the Empnbr field is the key field, the two possibilities for organizing these records are:

When you describe a key field, the default is ascending sequence. However, you can use the DESCEND DDS keyword to specify that you want to arrange a key field in descending sequence.