The following tables describe certain SQL and database limits imposed by the DB2 UDB for iSeries database manager.
Identifier Limits | DB2 UDB for iSeries Limit |
Longest authorization name | 1083 |
Longest correlation name | 128 |
Longest cursor name | 18 |
Longest descriptor name | 128 |
Longest external program name (string form) | 27984 |
Longest external program name (unqualified form) | 10 |
Longest host identifier85 | 64 |
Longest package version-id | 64 |
Longest partition name | 10 |
Longest savepoint name | 128 |
Longest schema name | 10 |
Longest server name | 18 |
Longest statement name | 18 |
Longest SQL condition name | 128 |
Longest SQL label | 128 |
Longest unqualified alias name | 128 |
Longest unqualified column name | 128 |
Longest unqualified constraint name | 128 |
Longest unqualified distinct type name | 128 |
Longest unqualified function name | 128 |
Longest unqualified index name | 128 |
Longest unqualified nodegroup name | 10 |
Longest unqualified package name | 10 |
Longest unqualified procedure name | 128 |
Longest unqualified sequence name | 128 |
Longest unqualified specific name | 128 |
Longest unqualified SQL parameter name | 128 |
Longest unqualified SQL variable name | 128 |
Longest unqualified system column name | 10 |
Longest unqualified system table, view, and index name | 10 |
Longest unqualified table and view name | 128 |
Longest unqualified trigger name | 128 |
Numeric Limits | DB2 UDB for iSeries Limit |
Smallest SMALLINT value | -32 768 |
Largest SMALLINT value | +32 767 |
Smallest INTEGER value | -2 147 483 648 |
Largest INTEGER value | +2 147 483 647 |
Smallest BIGINT value | -9 223 372 036 854 775 808 |
Largest BIGINT value | +9 223 372 036 854 775 807 |
Largest decimal precision | 63 |
Smallest DOUBLE value86 | -1.79x10308 |
Largest DOUBLE value86 | +1.79x10308 |
Smallest positive DOUBLE value86 | +2.23x10-308 |
Largest negative DOUBLE value86 | -2.23x10-308 |
Smallest REAL value86 | -3.4x1038 |
Largest REAL value86 | +3.4x1038 |
Smallest positive REAL value86 | +1.18x10-38 |
Largest negative REAL value86 | -1.18x10-38 |
String Limits | DB2 UDB for iSeries Limit |
Maximum length of CHAR (in bytes) | 3276587 |
Maximum length of VARCHAR (in bytes) | 3273987 |
Maximum length of CLOB (in bytes) | 2 147 483 647 |
Maximum length of GRAPHIC (in double-byte characters) | 1638287 |
Maximum length of VARGRAPHIC (in double-byte characters) | 1636987 |
Maximum length of DBCLOB (in double-byte characters) | 1 073 741 823 |
Maximum length of BINARY (in bytes) | 3276587 |
Maximum length of VARBINARY (in bytes) | 3273987 |
Maximum length of BLOB (in bytes) | 2 147 483 647 |
Maximum length of character constant | 32740 |
Maximum length of a graphic constant | 16370 |
Maximum length of binary constant | 32740 |
Maximum length of concatenated character string | 2 147 483 647 |
Maximum length of concatenated graphic string | 1 073 741 823 |
Maximum length of concatenated binary string | 2 147 483 647 |
Maximum number of hexadecimal constant digits | 32 762 |
Maximum length of catalog comments | 200088 |
Maximum length of column label | 60 |
Longest SQL routine label | 128 |
Longest table, package, or alias label | 50 |
Maximum length of C NUL-terminated | 3273987 |
Maximum length of C NUL-terminated graphic | 1636987 |
Datetime Limits | DB2 UDB for iSeries Limit |
Smallest DATE value | 0001-01-01 |
Largest DATE value | 9999-12-31 |
Smallest TIME value | 00:00:00 |
Largest TIME value | 24:00:00 |
Smallest TIMESTAMP value | 0001-01-01- |
Largest TIMESTAMP value | 9999-12-31- |
Datalink Limits | DB2 UDB for iSeries Limit |
Maximum length of DATALINK | 32718 |
Maximum length of DATALINK comment | 254 |
Database Manager Limits | DB2 UDB for iSeries Limit |
Most columns in a table | 8000 |
Most columns in a view | 8000 |
Maximum length of a row without LOBs including all overhead | 32766 |
Maximum length of a row with LOBs including all overhead | 3 758 096 383 |
Maximum number of parameters in a function | 90 |
Maximum number of parameters in a procedure | 102489 |
Maximum size of a non-partitioned table | 1.7 terabytes |
Maximum size of an index | 1 terabyte |
Most rows in a non-partitioned table | 4 294 967 288 |
Longest index key | 32768 |
Most columns in an index key | 120 |
Most indexes on a table | approximately 4000 |
Most tables referenced in an SQL statement | 100090 |
Most tables referenced in a view | 25690 |
Most host variable declarations in a precompiled program | storage91 |
Most host variables and constants in an SQL statement | 409692 |
Longest host variable used for insert or update (in bytes) | 2 147 483 647 |
Longest SQL statement (in bytes) | 2 097 152 |
Longest CHECK constraint (in bytes) | statement |
Most elements in a select list93 | approximately 8000 |
Most predicates in a WHERE or HAVING clause | statement |
Maximum number of columns in a GROUP BY clause | 120 |
Maximum total length of columns in a GROUP BY clause | 32766 |
Maximum number of columns in an ORDER BY clause | 32766 |
Maximum total length of columns in an ORDER BY clause | 32766 |
Maximum size of an SQLDA | 16 777 215 |
Maximum number of prepared statements | storage |
Most declared cursors in a program | storage |
Maximum number of cursors opened at one time | storage 94 |
Most tables in a relational database | storage |
Maximum number of triggers on a table | 300 |
Maximum number of nested trigger invocations | 200 |
Maximum length of a password | 128 |
Maximum number of constraints on a table | 300 |
Maximum length of a path | 348395 |
Maximum number of schemas in a path | 268 |
Maximum length of a hint | 32 |
Maximum number of objects in a schema | approximately 360 000 |
Maximum levels allowed for a subselect | 256 |
Maximum number of rows changed in a unit of work | 500 000 000 |
Maximum number of locators in a transaction | 16 000 000 96 |
Maximum number of savepoints active at one time | storage |
Maximum number of simultaneously allocated CLI handles in a process | 160 000 97 |
Maximum number of nodes in a nodegroup | 32 |
Maximum number of partitions in a partitioned table | 256 |
Maximum size of a package | 500 megabytes |