Change Job (QWTCHGJB) changes some of the attributes of a job.
Change Job Interrupt Status (QWCCJITP) retrieves and optionally modifies the job interrupt status of the current job.
Change Pool Attributes (QUSCHGPA) changes the size, activity level, and paging option of system storage pools.
Change Pool Tuning Information (QWCCHGTN) changes information about tuning being performed on the system for the different storage pools.
Change Subsystem Entry (QWDCSBSE) changes a subsystem entry in the specified subsystem description.
Control Thread (QTHMCTLT) holds, releases, or ends the specified thread.
Control Trace (QWTCTLTR) turns the trace function on and off.
Create Job Structures (QWTCTJBS) creates the number of temporary job structures that are passed on the call.
Delete Job Structures (QWTDTJBS) deletes the number of temporary job structures that are passed on the call to the API.
Dump Flight Recorder (QWTDMPFR) dumps the contents of the flight recorders for jobs that have them.
Dump Lock Flight Recorder (QWTDMPLF) dumps the contents of the lock flight recorder for the device that is specified in the parameter that is passed to the program.
Move Job (QSPMOVJB) moves jobs from one position to another position within the same job queue or from one job queue to another job queue. Priority and status of the job are affected by the user's priority level and the status of the target job.
Open List of Activation Attributes (QWVOLACT) generates a list of all the activation attributes that are associated with an activation group in a given job.
Retrieve Job Information (QUSRJOBI) retrieves information, such as job attributes and performance data about a specific job.
Retrieve Job Locks (QWCRJBLK) generates a list of objects that have been locked by the job or thread that is specified in the job identification information input parameter.
Retrieve Job Status (QWCRJBST) returns status and job identification information about the job that is identified by the job identifier parameter.
Retrieve Lock Information (QWCRLCKI) generates a list of information about lock holders of the item specified.
Retrieve Lock Request Information (QWCRLRQI) takes as input a lock request handle that was returned in other APIs and returns information about the program that requested the lock.
Retrieve Lock Space Locks (QTRXRLSL) generates a list of objects that have been locked or that have lower level locks held by the specified lock space.
Retrieve Profile Exit Programs (QWTRTVPX) retrieves the profile exit flags that have been designated to be called for the specified user ID. The API then places that information into a single variable in the calling program.
Retrieve Thread Attribute (QWTRTVTA) retrieves job and thread attributes that apply to the job or thread specified in the Job/Thread identification information parameter.
Set Profile Exit Programs (QWTSETPX) sets for the specified user ID the profile exit programs to call.
Set Trace (QWTSETTR) starts the Trace Job (TRCJOB) command for the job passed on the job and user name parameter at the earliest point while the job is starting.
The work management exit programs are:
Auxiliary Storage Lower Limit is called when the available storage in the system auxiliary storage pool (ASP) goes below the lower limit.