1 | Signed certificate | Output | Char(*) |
2 | Signed certificate length | Input | Binary(4) |
3 | Certificate request | Input | Char(*) |
4 | E-mail address | Input | Char(*) |
Return code | Output | Binary(4) |
The Sign User Certificate Request (QYCUSUC) API signs a user certificate request using the local Certificate Authority (CA). The request to sign the user certificate request must come from an Internet Explorer, or compatible, browser session. The call to this program must be made using the DTW_DIRECTCALL language environment in Net.Data.
Error information is returned as a return value from this program. The error code value can be captured using the RETURNS keyword on the function definition that uses DTW_DIRECTCALL.
The storage for returning the signed certificate. The signed certificate will be a NULL terminated string. This storage is allocated by Net.Data and is referenced using the environment variable that was specified on the call.
The length of the storage provided by the signed certificate parameter.
The certificate request data to sign. This should be the data that is returned from the Enroll.CreatePKCS10() call in Net.Data.
The e-mail address for the user. This may be a NULL string.
Message ID | Error Message Text |
0 | Certificate was successfully signed. |
-99 | Unexpected error. |
71 | Unable to allocate storage. The certificate request data may not be valid. |
93 | The local Certificate Authority (CA) does not exist. Use Digital Certificate Manager (DCM) to create the local CA. |
95 | The password for the Local Certificate Authority (CA) certificate store is not stashed. Use DCM to change the password for the Local CA certificate store. |
321 | Signed certificate length is not large enough to return the signed certificate. |
3845 | The caller of this API does not have *ALLOBJ and *SECADM special authorities. |
3956 | The local CA does not allow creation of user certificates. You must change the policy data for the local CA using DCM. |
4003 | Certificate request to be signed is not valid. |
See Code disclaimer information for information pertaining to code examples.
The following is an example of a function call to this program using Net.Data from an Internet Explorer browser session. Note that the size specified for the second parameter must be the same as the number of characters allocated for the first parameter.
%function(DTW_DIRECTCALL) signcert(OUT CHAR(5000) signedCert, IN INT signedCertLen, IN CHAR(4000) certData, IN CHAR(128) email) RETURNS(retVal) { %EXEC { /QSYS.LIB/QICSS.LIB/QYCUSUC.PGM %} %}
The following is an example of code to generate a certificate request.
The form statement would look something like this:
<form name="UserCertForm" method=POST action="nextHTML" onSubmit="return makereq()">.
This code would need to be defined in the HTML before the JavaScript.
<OBJECT classid="clsid:43F8F289-7A20-11D0-8F06-00C04FC295E1" CODEBASE="xenroll.dll" id=Enroll> </OBJECT>
This is a JavaScript function that would be defined along with the HTML form that is used to collect the necessary data to create the certificate request.
function makereq() { var checkResult = ""; var distNamePurpose = ""; var distName = ""; var certData = ""; var errStr = ""; // Still need to make sure that the fields are OK checkResult = validate(); // Function that will check the validity of the // data, such as making sure required fields are // filled in and that the state field is at least // 3 chars, etc. if (checkResult == true) { // Create the distinguished name from the input fields distName = "C=" + document.UserCertForm.countryregion.value; distName += ";ST=" + document.UserCertForm.stateprov.value; distName += ";L=" + document.UserCertForm.locality.value; distName += ";O=" + document.UserCertForm.orgname.value; distName += ";OU=" + document.UserCertForm.orgunitname.value; distName += ";CN=" + document.UserCertForm.commonname.value; Enroll.KeySpec = 1; Enroll.GenKeyFlags = 1; distNamePurpose = ""; certData = Enroll.CreatePKCS10(distName, distNamePurpose); if (certData == "") { // Certificate generation failed - put up an alert or something errStr = "The certificate request was not created"; alert(errStr); return (false); } else { // Certificate generation OK - submit the request document.UserCertForm.certData.value = certData; return (true); } } else return (false); }
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