Performance Explorer (PEX)
For information about performance explorer (PEX), see
Performance explorer.
The PEX APIs are used to collect trace performance data for user-defined
(application-defined) transactions and to record application-defined trace
data. The user-defined transaction APIs indicate the start and end of a
transaction and allow logging during a transaction.
The PEX APIs are:
- Add Trace Point (QYPEADDT, qypeAddTracePoint) records application-defined trace data.
- End Transaction (QYPEENDT, qypeEndTransaction) indicates the end of a user-defined transaction.
- Log Transaction (QYPELOGT, qypeLogTransaction) generates a transaction log record in the PEX trace data.
- Retrieve PEX Information (QYPERPEX, qypeRetrievePexInfo) returns a list of active Performance Explorer collections.
- Start Transaction (QYPESTRT, qypeStartTransaction) is called at the start of a user-defined transaction.