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<h2>Activation Group and Control Flow APIs</h2>

<p>ILE CEE APIs are provided to manage activation groups and to determine the
control flow of procedures.  The activation group and control flow APIs are:</p>
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<!--***************API BEGIN PASTE***************-->
<li><A HREF="CEE4ABN.htm">Abnormal End</A> (CEE4ABN) abnormally ends the activation group containing the nearest control boundary.</li>
<li><A HREF="CEE4FCB.htm">Find a Control Boundary</A> (CEE4FCB) searches the call stack for the nearest call stack entry that is a control boundary.</li>
<li><A HREF="CEETREC.htm">Normal End</A> (CEETREC) is used to do a normal ending of the activation group containing the nearest control boundary.</li>
<li><A HREF="CEE4RAGE.htm">Register Activation Group Exit Procedure</A> (CEE4RAGE) is used to register procedures that are called when an activation group ends.</li>
<li><A HREF="CEE4RAGE2.htm">Register Activation Group Exit Procedure 2</A> (CEE4RAGE2) is used to register procedures that are called when an activation group ends (64 bit version of CEE4RAGE).</li>
<li><A HREF="CEERTX.htm">Register Call Stack Entry Termination User Exit Procedure</A> (CEERTX) registers a user-defined procedure that runs when the call stack entry for which it is registered is ended by anything other than a return to the caller.</li>
<li><A HREF="CEEUTX.htm">Unregister Call Stack Entry Termination User Exit Procedure</A> (CEEUTX) is used to unregister a user-defined procedure that was previously registered by the Register Call Stack Entry Termination User Exit Procedure (CEERTX) API.</li>
<!--***************API END PASTE***************-->

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