Enabling Your File System to HFS

To make your file system available for use with the HFS APIs, take these steps:

  1. Read Standard HFS API and Exit Program Functions carefully. It describes which functions the HFS APIs perform for you and which functions your file system's exit programs must perform.

  2. Define your own file and directory objects. These objects can be any of the following:

    Your file system controls the structure, format, and location of the file and directory objects it defines. It also controls security and authority for those objects.

  3. Create these programs:

  4. Register your file system with HFS, specifying the exit programs you want to make available. See Register File System (QHFRGFS) API for complete instructions.

  5. Give the file system's users authority to the Start Job Session Exit Program. Authority to this program gives users authority to the file system as a whole.

  6. Give the file system's users authority to the HFS APIs that you support with exit programs and that you want to make public. A user needs *USE authority to an API to call the API from a program.

  7. Provide the file system's users with complete documentation, so they know which HFS APIs are supported, and whether any of the HFS APIs work differently from the way they are described in this information.

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