Session Manipulation and Query APIs
The session manipulation and query APIs are:
Change Session
(QsnChgSsn) changes the description for a session.
Clear Scroller
(QsnClrScl) clears the scroller data.
Create a Session
(QsnCrtSsn) creates a session for subsequent session I/O operations.
Display Scroller Bottom
(QsnDspSclB) shows the last line of scroller data.
Display Scroller Top
(QsnDspSclT) shows the first line of scroller data.
Initialize Session Description
(QsnInzSsnD) initializes a session description with default values.
Query If Scroller in Line Wrap Mode
(QsnQrySclWrp) queries if line wrap mode is on or off.
Retrieve Number of Columns to Shift Scroller
(QsnRtvSclNumShf) returns number of columns to shift scroller by.
Retrieve Number of Rows to Roll Scroller
(QsnRtvSclNumRoll) returns the number of rows to roll scroller by.
Retrieve Session Data
(QsnRtvSsnDta) returns a pointer to the user data for a session.
Retrieve Session Description
(QsnRtvSsnD) retrieves a copy of the description for a session.
Roll Scroller Down
(QsnRollSclDown) rolls the scroller down.
Roll Scroller Up
(QsnRollSclUp) rolls the scroller up.
Shift Scroller Left
(QsnShfSclL) shifts the scroller to the left.
Shift Scroller Right
(QsnShfSclR) shifts the scroller to the right.
Toggle Line Wrap/Truncate Mode
(QsnTglSclWrp) toggles the session between line wrap and truncation mode.
Dynamic Screen Manager APIs
APIs by category