Window Manipulation and Query APIs
The window manipulation and query APIs are:
Change Window
(QsnChgWin) changes the description for a window.
Create a Window
(QsnCrtWin) creates a window.
Initialize Window Description
(QsnInzWinD) initializes a window description with default values.
Move Window
(QsnMovWin) moves a window to a new screen location.
Move Window by User
(QsnMovWinUsr) moves a window to a new screen location specified by the user.
Resize Window
(QsnRszWin) changes the size of a window.
Resize Window by User
(QsnRszWinUsr) changes the size of a window according to user-specified cursor movements.
Retrieve Window Data
(QsnRtvWinDta) returns a pointer to the user data for the given window.
Retrieve Window Description
(QsnRtvWinD) retrieves a copy of the description for a window.
Set Window Services Attributes
(QsnSetWinAtr) sets the default attributes for the window services.
Dynamic Screen Manager APIs
APIs by category