Key Management APIs
The Key Management APIs help you store and handle cryptographic keys.
See Cryptographic Services Master Keys
and Cryptographic Services Key Store
for key management concept information.
The Key Management APIs include:
Clear Master Key (QC3CLRMK, Qc3ClearMasterKey) clears the specified master key version. 
Create Key Store (QC3CRTKS, Qc3CreateKeyStore) creates a database file for storing cryptographic key values for use with the cryptographic services set of APIs. 
Delete Key Record (QC3DLTKR, Qc3DeleteKeyRecord) deletes a key record from a key store file. 
Export Key (QC3EXPKY, Qc3ExportKey) decrypts a key encrypted under a master key and re-encrypts it under the specified key-encrypting key. 
Extract Public Key (QC3EXTPB, Qc3ExtractPublicKey) extracts a public key from a BER encoded PKCS #8 string or from a key record containing a public or private PKA key. 
Generate Key Record (QC3GENKR, Qc3GenKeyRecord) generates a random key or key pair and stores it in a key store file. 
Import Key (QC3IMPKY, Qc3ImportKey) encrypts a key under the specified master key. 
Load Master Key Part (QC3LDMKP, Qc3LoadMasterKeyPart) loads a key part for the specified master key by hashing the specified passphrase and adding it into the new master key version. 
Retrieve Key Record Attributes (QC3RTVKA, Qc3RetrieveKeyRecordAtr) returns the key type and key size of a key stored in a key store file. It also identifies the master key under which the stored key is encrypted and the master key's KVV. 
Set Master Key (QC3SETMK, Qc3SetMasterKey) sets the specified master key from the parts already loaded. 
Test Master Key (QC3TSTMK, QcTestMasterKey) returns the key verification value for the specified master key. 
Translate Key Store (QC3TRNKS, Qc3TranslateKeyStore) translates keys stored in the specified key store files to another master key, or if the same master key is specified, to the current version of the master key. 
Write Key Record (QC3WRTKR, Qc3WriteKeyRecord) stores the specified key value in a key store file.